• Short Stories and Long Memories

    Looking Back at Four Decades of Sailing Adventures, Misadventures and Other Stories Written Along The Way

    James Norris lived alone in a rambling Victorian on Caroline Street, a block from Key West Bight and the harbor. He had purchased the historic old house when he was a better artist than he was now, when his work seemed more natural and elegant, and was much in demand. He had lived in the...
         The sun had finally emerged after four days of heavy rain when the old man found the diamond. At first, he thought it was one of the thousands of quartz crystals he had found on his land over the years, but he saw the facets of this crystal did not appear to have the familiar hexagon...
    The most terrible thing I ever saw was in the highlands above the Rio Tomebamba in southern Ecuador. I was helping filmmaker Mark Birnbaum document the lives of a community of women who were forced by circumstance to live and work at the Cuerna garbage dump. We drove out to the dump to film...
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